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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects

Robert Abel's keynote speech was one of the highlights of the World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects. Photo by and © Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.Over the course of two days and six panel discussions, some of the most influential people in live-action effects and animation shared their views on where they think the animation industry is today and what its direction will take in the future. These panels marked the first meeting of the World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects. The summit is a new annual event being offered as part of the World Animation...

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Thinking about the World Animation Celebration '98

Ray Harryhausen, who brought puppets from the production of his stop-motion visual effects, was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award by modern-day counterpart, Ken Ralston. © Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.Well, here I am after a week of WAC and I'm pretty much none the worse for the wear. Then again, I spent a full day at the Internet Pow-Wow on Monday, took Tuesday completely off, went to only a few events on Wednesday and Thursday then attended solid screenings between 1 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Some of my friends who attended the festival did a lot more and they had the...

Festival ANIMATIONWorld

Contato em Havana

O Programa do Festival Internacional do Novo Cinema Latino-Americano.O Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latino-americano mais uma raz para se visitar Cuba no inio de Dezembro. Em sua 19 edio, o Festival de Havana o maior evento cinematogrico inteiramente dedicado ao cinema latino, sendo muito prestigiado junto aos produtores, diretores e artistas destes paes. Ree longas, mias e curtas metragens de fico, documentios, um concurso de cartazes e de roteiros e, at last but...
