The "Hot Dozen" for Holiday '99
What are the hot toys this holiday season going to be? Toy Wishes: The Ultimate Toy Buying Guide is here to answer these and other questions.
2D Computer Animation Workshop: Exposure Sheets - Part 2
We complete our quest to rid ourselves of smeared and torn exposure sheets through the nifty use of our computers...
The Career Coach: Finding a New Job
It's bound to happen to you sooner or later. What should you do when you lose your job? Here are some tips to landing a new job...
2D Computer Animation Workshop: Let's Get Started
Every month, we'll cover a different aspect of using your computer as a tool to help you in the cel animation process...
2D Computer Animation Workshop: Exposure Sheets - Part 1
No more eraser smeared torn up exposure sheets. Making a spiffy electronic exposure sheet template is a piece of cake...
Building A New British Empire - A Tribute to Clare Kitson
When Clare Kitson announced that she was resigning from her post as Commissioning Editor of Animation for the UK's Channel 4, the news moved like wild fire, bringing with it tremendous sadness. Animation World Magazine is proud to host this forum for the many who wanted to thank Clare for her support, inspiration and contributions to the animation industry.
The Commotion About Puffin's New Software
Kellie-Bea Cooper asks everyone from pioneers to students just what they thought about the new, highly regarded SIGGRAPH documentary. Also features Quicktime video interviews by Diana Cracknell.
Bob Clampett, Boy Wonder Of Stage C
Everyone knows the Bob Clampett of Termite Terrace, but what about the Bob Clampett that received 3 Emmies for one of television's first daily live puppet shows, Time for Beany? Robert Story was there and tells us this and other stories.
It's Show Time! The Fall TV Preview
Get ready! New TV is on its way. Amid Amidi takes a whirl through the upcoming season's highlights and also notes some trends for which we should be on the lookout.
Inside Japan's Beloved Toei Animation
Mayumi Tachikawa visits Toei Animation makers of such hits as Dragonball. More than Japan's leading animation studio, Toei is a cultural institution.
The History of Channel 4 and The Future of British Animation
Rene Kotlarz puts the status of animation at Channel 4 in perspective by insightfully looking to the Channel's origins and the current animation market in the UK.
Jamie Thomason: Casting and Directing Disney Television
Jamie Thomason is one of the busiest people in the directing/casting industry, responsible for Walt Disney Television Animation's entire line-up. Read what he has to say on celebrities, demo reels, acting and more.
Interactive Television: Are We There Yet?
Interactive television with its animated real-time games has been a hit across the globe but not here in the States. Sharon Schatz profiles the first venture in the US arena Throut & Neck, and probes why there aren't more.
Getting That First Voice-over Role
What are the "do's" and "don'ts" of becoming a voice actor? We asked producers, directors, and casting and voice directors for their input.
An Interview With Kris Zimmerman On Voice Directing & Timing
Laura Schiff interviews voice director Kris Zimmerman about her approach to nailing down the best performance time after time.
Hearing From The Hercules Celebrities
Disney's Hercules is the record holder for the largest single-season voice cast in the history of TV animation. Let's hear from Kathie Lee Gifford, Jon Favreau, Diedrich Bader, French Stewart, Linda Hamilton and James Woods, why animation really is a whole new world...
Editor's Notebook
The Story Behind Fats & Moe
Screenwriter Annabelle Perrichon and director Jean-Louis Bompoint explain how a couple of zoot suited Jazz players, escaping Big Apple mobsters were brought to life by a French creative team.
SIGGRAPH '99: Where's the Rest of the Zoo?
Jennifer Champagne enjoyed the exhibition booths, the screenings, the TechnOasis and more, but thought the floor seemed a little more sparse than in years gone by...
The Pride of the Pioneers
Kellie-Bea Cooper asks everyone from pioneers to students just what they thought about the new, highly regarded SIGGRAPH documentary. Also features Quicktime video interviews by Diana Cracknell.
Hearing From the Hercules Celebrities
Disney's Hercules is the record holder for the largest single-season voice cast in the history of TV animation. Let's hear from Kathie Lee Gifford, Jon Favreau, Diedrich Bader, French Stewart, Linda Hamilton and James Woods, why animation really is a whole new world...
San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum
Rod Gilchrist profiles San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum, which is dedicated to conserving and presenting cartoon art, as well as nurturing art appreciation.
Stepping Backwards to Move Ahead
Some days it seems that there isn't an original idea on TV. The same characters are rehashed and rewarmed repeatedly. However, Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman, takes a look at how sometimes what's old can become what is new.