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VFXWorld Magazine

box office Headline News

Box Office Report: ‘Spider Man’ Sequel Swings into Summer with $92M Debut

Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 kicks off the summer box office in style, bringing in $92 million domestically for its debut; Fox comedy The Other Woman comes in second place with $14.2 million.

Lakeshore Entertainment Headline News

Rising Sun Pictures Provides Effects for ‘I, Frankenstein’

For Lakeshore Entertainment’s I, Frankenstein, Rising Sun Picture produces intricate environmental effects and matte paintings to establish several of the film’s dark and brooding settings.

Star Wars: Episode VII Headline News

J.J. Abrams Announces Cast for ‘Star Wars Episode VII’

The cast of Star Wars Episode VII is announced with actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow set to join the original stars of the saga.

box office Headline News

Box Office Report: ‘Other Woman’ Unseats ‘Captain America’ Sequel

Fox comedy The Other Woman dominates the final weekend before the official start of the summer box office with a $24.7 million debut, unseating Captain America: The Winter Soldier from the top spot at the North American box office after it topped the chart for three consecutive weekends.

Chapeau FX Headline News

Chapeau’s Looram Teams with Andrew Zuckerman for Barneys New York

VFX supervisor Ben Looram collaborates with artist-filmmaker-photographer Andrew Zuckerman on an innovative project for Barneys New York premiering in the luxury retailer’s Madison Avenue windows earlier this month.

AMPAS Headline News

The Academy to Present ‘Deconstructing Gravity’ May 12

The Academy to present an in-depth look at the groundbreaking production methods used in the Oscar-winning film Gravity featuring an on-stage discussion with members of the film’s creative teams.

Luma Pictures Headline News

Luma Pictures Delivers VFX for ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

Marking the company’s sixth collaboration with Marvel, Luma Pictures contributes to over 375 shots in the recent release of Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, including the Winter Soldier's bionic arm, CG Cars, CG explosions, and a variety of environment matte paintings.
