Test Your Stuff at the Movie Trailer Showdown
Movie Trailer Showdown CompetitionLondon, U.K.June 14, 2006Deadline: May 1, 2006
Frozen Moon Prods. Ltd. is hosting the Movie Trailer Showdown Competition. As an individual, team or company, the contest challenges entrants to make a film trailer no longer than 1.5 minutes.
It can be made in live action, animation, string puppets and it can even be a combination of these techniques. The festival will take the form of a tournament, similar to the world cup. There will be 32 films short listed and each entry will be randomly entered into eight groups of four, the winners of these groups will progress to the quarter, semi then final stage think the world cup only with movie trailers. The 32 short lists will be aired on Propeller TV and show cased live on www.frozenmoon.co.uk and www.sameoldgame.com. There will be prizes for the eight finalist films, which reach the quarter final stage of the competition.
For more information, visit www.frozenmoon.co.uk/competition.html.