Plympton's Comic of the Week: "Cigarette Addiction"
Plympton's Comic of the Week: "Cigarette Addiction". A new outrageous comic by Bill Plympton can be found each Friday at his website.
Bill Plympton recently put together a new video where he takes us through his life and career as a cartoonist and animator. "Mondo Plympton" includes every bit of animation that Bill has done from 1990 to 1999, plus two commercials that were banned due to their violence. After years of traveling the world showing his films and speaking about animation, Bill Plympton has finally put together a cartoon tour de force of his best films, with an animated Bill recounting such anecdotes as: his confrontation with the Disney Machine; where the violence in his films comes from; and the time he was stabbed by a naked transvestite on the first day of shooting his live-action feature film "J Lyle." Included are a number of his classic films, from "Draw!," to 1995's "How to Make Love to a Woman," plus the aforementioned controversial commercials. The film was released in theaters in 1997, and has been specially re-edited for video to include more recent material. The video is available in VHS NTSC or PAL format for $25.00, plus shipping and handling.