One Week Left to Win $25,000 and a One Year Contract with Playboy
Be a part of Playboy's rich heritage of cartoon humor. Participate in
Playboy's Comix and Animation Contest. All multimedia formats
welcome: Shockwave, Flash, videotape, pen and ink and more! The grand
prize winner receives $25,000. Five honorable mentions will also be
selected. Judges include Scott Adams, Award winning creator of
"Dilbert," and Kevin Smith, writer/director of hit films "Chasing
Amy" and "Dogma." The deadline for submission is April 1, 2000. As
with any contest there are lots of rules and regulations. So go to or call (888)
875-4WEB for all the information you need to enter. For contestants
outside the U.S. or Canada, call (330) 247-2000. Remember: You have
to be in it to win it.