New, special 15th Anniversary issue of ANIMATO! now available!
This issue #40 is Animato!'s special 15th Anniversary issue with 144 boundpages. Featured articles include: Gerry Anderson, The McKimson Brothers,Cartoon Network, Warner Bros., Jay Ward Voices, Flip the Frog, Bartlett,Rose, Quakenbush, Fogel, Simensky, Tartakovsky, McCracken, Mulan, a hugeAnime section and more. There's just too much to list everything! Orderyour copy in AWN's Newsstand, where you can subscribe to your favoriteanimation publications directly from the Internet 24 hours a day! Alreadyavailable in AWN's Newsstand are: "The Animation Flash," "AWN's SchoolDirectory," "Animato!," "FPS," and "Toon Magazine," plus "The AnimationBlast" newsletter.
Find Animato!'s special issue in the AWN Newsstand.