THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL finishes third at US boxoffice
Warner Bros.' THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, with visual effects by Hollywood,California-based K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc., finished third at the US weekendboxoffice with an estimated $7.8 million, for a total of $28.1 million. Thefilm is a remake of the 1958 William Castle horror film that starredVincent Price. Buena Vista's THE SIXTH SENSE, with visual effects byDreamQuest, finished eighth, grossing $3.2 million for a total of $264.1million. The American version of Hayao Miyazaki's PRINCESS MONONOKE, whichis the top grossing movie of all time in Japan, took in $385,000 on 38screens, including 13 in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area whichMiramax used as a test market to help determine whether to give the film awider release. The film averaged $10,100 per screen, compared to lastweek's $18,000 per screen. It is not yet known whether Miramax considersthis promising enough to give the film a wider release.