Fredrikstad Animation Festival Names Roze Stiebra 2018 Guest of Honor
The Fredrikstad Animation Festival has announced that Latvia’s Roze Stiebra will be this year’s Guest of Honor. During the 2018 edition of the festival, which runs October 25-28 in Fredrikstad, Norway, an exhibition dedicated to her work will be on display.
An exceptional force of creativity and an invaluable resource for the progression of the medium of animation in the Baltic, Stiebra is the creator of more than 30 films, pioneering techniques for both cut-out animation (1969-1983) and hand-drawn animation (1983-present) in her native country. Despite developing and working as an artist during years of censorship and ideological pressure, Stiebra pushed the limits of her era, and in the process established a department of animation in Latvia.

Roze Stiebra
Stiebra’s legacy is a large part of the history of Latvian animation itself. A quest for ever new challenges and affinity to the local culture has always been paramount for Stiebra. Her productions have involved many of Latvia’s animators, and she has continually collaborated with both up-and-coming and acclaimed artists, composers and animators, consistently inspiring them to strive for original artistic expression and to unleash their talent through animated films.
Awarded with several national and international awards including, in 2003, The Order of The Three Stars -- the most prominent prize for meritorious service to the country of Latvia -- Stiebra is one of Latvia’s most celebrated animators to date. She cites a performance of the play “Princess Gundega and King Brusubārda,” which she saw at the age of 10, as the impetus for her career.
“After the play I was absolutely and undeniably overwhelmed by beauty. I have no other words to describe it,” Stiebra comments. “That is how much I liked this performance. I remember the way home on my own, and it was as if I was under a spell. I remember that walk home even today.”
Each year the festival chooses a Guest of Honor from the Nordic-Baltic who have distinguished themselves through a lifelong career in animation. The Norwegian Animation forum, the foundation behind the Fredrikstad Animation Festival, selects the Guest of Honor.
Source: Fredrikstad Animation Festival