CDIS looking for 2D and 3D instructors
The Center for Digital Imaging and Sound (CDIS) is a leader in technicalarts education based in Burnaby, B.C., Canada. CDIS is growing rapidly andcurrently seeking applications for instructors in 2D and 3D Graphics, 3DSpecial FX, Film/Video FX, Computer and Classical Animation, Film/VideoProduction, Art and Design (Practical and Theory), Interactive Media (Weband CD), Web Design/Development, Internet Applications, Programming for Weband Game Applications, Game Design, and Audio Production and Theory. Jobrequirement/skills: some combination of industry experience and/oreducation, and teaching skills/experience. Ideal candidates are teamplayers with industry experience and expertise in applicable software suchas Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier, After Effects, Director, Flash, Maya,Softimage 3D, Softimage DS, 3D Studio Max, Discreet Edit, Discreet Effect,Flint and Protools. Both part time and full time positions are availablebeginning October, 1999 and February, 2000. Full benefits for full timeemployees.
For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's CareerConnections, the online Animation Job Fair.