BUNNY wins at 1999 ASIFA-EAST Awards
ASIFA-EAST 1999 Awards ceremony was held Monday, April 12th. The followingawards were handed out:
Second Honorable MentionBETWEEN THE LINES by Jamie Maxfield
First Honorable Mention.HEADQUARTERS by Jason Donati
Third PlaceSMILE by Alex Hart
Second PlaceA LETTER FROM THE WESTERN FRONT by Daniel Kanemoto
First PlaceSTRANGE REALITY by Jusuf Santoso
Excellence in DesignDIVINING ROD/TROUT/IRRITABILITY GENE, Acme Filmworks
Excellence in AnimationCOKE: SUPERMOM VS. ALIENS, Wild Brain/Dave Marshall
Excellence in HumorPAYBACK by Acme Filmworks
Excellence in HumorEPISCOPAL NEW CHURCH CENTER by J. J. Sedelmaier & Ron Henderson
Third PlaceLEVI'S WORLD AIDS DAY by Wild Brain; John Hays, director
Second PlaceTITEY by J. J. Sedelmaier Productions; David Wachtenheim, director
First PlaceTHE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT, Acme Filmworks; Aleksandra Korejwo, director
Excellence in DesignHOW NEHEMIAH GOT FREE by The Ink Tank; Santiago Cohen
Excellence in AnimationTHE GREAT SWITCHEROO by John Schnall
Excellence in AnimationANTICS by Pitch Productions; Brendan Gallagher, Dave Figliola, Galen Chu,Geral Yoo
Excellence in WritingMAX & HIS SPECIAL PROBLEM by Games Animation; David Wasson & Chris Miller
Excellence in EducationSHOW & TELL by Buzzco Associates
Excellence in EducationBLUE'S SAD DAY by Blue's Clues/Nickelodeon
Third PlaceA DOG CARTOON by Wild Brain; Dave Thomas, director
Second PlacePLAYTIME, COLLECTION ONE by AR & T Associates; Paul & Sandra Fierlinger,directors
First PlaceTHE PARABLE OF THE CLOWN by Debra Solomon
Excellence in DesignGROUND ZERO/SACRED GROUND by Karen Aqua
Excellence in Experimental TechniquesTRUTH by Bernard Roddy
Third PlaceLIVING FOREVER by Fablevision; Peter Reynolds & Gary Goldberger, directors
Second PlaceTHE BLUE SHOE by Fablevision; Peter Reynolds & Gary Goldberger, directors
First PlaceTHE EXCITING LIFE OF A TREE by Bill Plympton, director
Special Award for Continuing Support of Independent Animated FilmDavid CallahanDonnell Media Center
Charles Samu AwardGROUND ZERO/SACRED GROUND by Karen AquaPLUM by Mui Shokouhi, Honorable Mention
1999 Best of ShowBUNNY by Blue Sky Studios; Chris Wedge, director